
5 Ways to Prepare Your Car for Wet Weather

When people picture California, most envision sunny, dry, warm weather. While this is the case throughout the state for most of the year, California does have a rainy season like anywhere else in the country. Over 90% of California's annual average precipitation falls from October through April.

We’re right in the middle of the state’s rainy season, so it’s smart to spend some time preparing your vehicle for wet weather.

It’s All About Preparation

Preparation is the key to safety. Knowing how to prepare your vehicle for wet weather (and taking the appropriate action to do so) can help prevent wear and tear on your vehicle and make it a safer vessel for traveling in the rain.

Five steps you can take today to prepare your vehicle for the next downpour include the following:

  • Determine the condition of your tires. Tires must have proper tread to maintain traction on a wet road. A handy way to know whether your tires need to be replaced is by inserting a penny into your tires’ treads. If you can see Lincoln’s head sticking out of the tread, it means the tire needs to be replaced. Additionally, make sure each tire is inflated to the proper air pressure. While most cars’ tires should be inflated to 30 PSI, the specific air pressure varies depending on the make and model of the vehicle. Refer to your owner’s manual for the correct information.
  • Inspect your windshield wipers. Windshield wipers are your first line of defense in wet weather. Spray your windshield and check how your wipers clear the water while you are parked. Check for any signs of missed areas or streaking. These are signs the windshield wipers need to be replaced.
  • Swap out your headlights, if necessary. Headlights must function properly in order for other drivers to see your vehicle in bad weather. Ask a family member or friend to stand at the back of your vehicle to ensure all of your brake lights are working when you step on the brake. Check the turn signals as well.
  • Check your brakes. Functioning brakes can be a lifesaver in rainy weather, particularly since coming to a complete stop takes longer on wet roads than dry. Make sure you have your brakes checked regularly and replaced according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Know how to use your defroster. Fiddling with the temperature dials can be a major distraction while driving. Make sure you know when and how to defrost your windshield in colder weather, and what settings will make the windshield more foggy than clear. You don’t want to have to figure this out on the fly while driving!

Even if you take all of these precautions, other drivers may not. If you get injured in a car accident, our Sacramento personal injury attorneys are here to help. We have helped countless clients recover the compensation they need for medical bills and lost wages, and we’re here to help you, too.

Call Kershaw Talley Barlow at (916) 520-6639 to schedule a free consultation.

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