
This Is Why It’s So Important to Double-Check the Medicine Bottle

Although most of the time, our pharmacists fill our prescriptions accurately, we must remember that they are human and everyone makes mistakes. Unfortunately, a mistake involving a prescription can be deadly.

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, 7,000 to 9,000 people die as a result of a medication error each year in the United States alone.

Learn why you should double-check your medicine bottle before taking your next dose.

#1. Double-Checking Bottles Does Help

In a recent study, researchers discovered that 4.2% of 5,700 prescriptions were found to have errors. Of these, 2.1% were determined to be clinically significant. It was also discovered that participants were much more likely to identify others’ errors than their own. One possible reason for this is confirmation bias, or the tendency to interpret evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories. This can fog a person’s ability to recognize their own errors.

Therefore, you may be more likely to identify a pharmacist’s mistake than the pharmacist themselves.

#2. Many Medications Look the Same

Despite advanced in modern medicine, there are only so many different ways to design a pill while maintaining its effectiveness. And the truth remains that many pills still look the same. So, in addition to checking the name and dose on your prescription bottle, make sure to check the description of the pill that should be on there as well.

#3. Prescription Errors Can Be Deadly

Many prescriptions have dangerous interactions with alcohol or other medications. Therefore, it’s vitally important for pharmacists to fill prescriptions accurately in order to ensure the medication does not interfere with any other medications the patient is taking in a dangerous way.

Harmed by a Prescription Error? Contact Us Today

If you or someone you love has been harmed by a prescription error, our Sacramento personal injury attorneys can help protect your rights against large hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and their insurers. We can help you recover the compensation you need for any medical bills and lost wages.

Call Kershaw Talley Barlow today at (916) 520-6639 to schedule a free consultation.

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